The ProjectYou Speaker Series
Where you can practice and refine your public speaking skills, think on your feet, and shine on stage. Intentionally designed to help you become a confident and effective public communicator.
The ProjectYOU Speaker Series is a dynamic and supportive monthly event aimed at empowering individuals to excel in public speaking. This platform provides professionals with opportunities to enhance their communication skills through various formats, such as:
Keynote addresses,
Moderate Panel Discussions
Fireside chats
Rapid fire rounds crowed work
Whether the objective is to boost communication prowess, enhance confidence, or simply appreciate the art of speaking, The ProjectYOU Speaker Series fosters a community of individuals who shine on stage while excelling at sharing their ideas.
Tobe Nneji
Award-winning Radio Host / On-Air Personality, Personal Agility Expert, MC/Event Host Podcaster Tech Operations and Strategy Consultant.
How it Works
Speaker Series
4-6 members of a 12-week cohort are the featured speakers at each event. Cohorts run concurrently, so each event may feature speakers from different cohorts. Events are intentionally set up to optimize the exposure of cohort members to different speaking formats
Open Audience
Whether the objective is to boost communication prowess, enhance confidence, or simply appreciate the art of speaking, The ProjectYOU Speaker Series fosters a community of individuals who shine on stage while excelling at sharing their ideas.
Open Audience
Whether the objective is to boost communication prowess, enhance confidence, or simply appreciate the art of speaking, The ProjectYOU Speaker Series fosters a community of individuals who shine on stage while excelling at sharing their ideas.
Application Pre-requisites:
Commitment (if you’re not active, we will remove you from the cohort)
You must have at least $200 - $500 to invest in necessary resources & tools.
Desire to succeed and take it seriously
Apply to be part of the cohorts
This program is designed to help you master the art of communication and overcome public speaking challenges.
This program is designed to help you master the art of communication and overcome public speaking challenges